Posts Tagged With: Barack Obama

Obama Will Lose Millions of Supporters because of His Anti-Marijuana Rhetoric and Policies

President Obama recently doubled-down on his harassment of the 17 states who now make medical marijuana available to adults with medical need.  The president seems to think he can rest on his progressive laurels — figuring no liberals will vote for Mitt Romney.   That may be true; but a significant number of voters are either going to sit this election out or support the Libertarian party candidate – former New Mexico governor Gary Johnson.  Most significantly, the groups that are most opposed to Obama’s drug war include those groups he most needs to motivate and mobilize again (e.g., young people, minorities, and those concerned with civil rights.)

Like many others, I was turned-off by the president’s flippant and condescending attitude he displayed during his recent Rolling Stone interview.  He then grew even more sarcastic during the White House Correspondence Dinner and on his appearance on Jimmy Fallon (where he was trying to woo young voters.)  The president we thought would be reasonable and fair, has become a “holier-than-thou” hypocrite who even admits to having smoked marijuana regularly while he was young.  In fact, the Obama administration has greatly accelerated the drug war way past George Bush – ruining millions of people’s lives and wasting billions of public dollars.  You will learn all about that here.

Now he is shifting the blame to congress which is a lazy cop-out.  As you will read, Nancy Pelosi and other congressional leaders are urging him to get real and end this stupid war on weed.  In this article, you will learn all about the special interest groups that are pulling the president’s strings on this important public policy and public health matter (e.g., lobbyists representing the pharmaceutical industry, alcohol companies, prison guards, police, and private prisons.)  You will also learn about some positive initiatives – including how Anonymous is getting involved in this vital issue.  Click below to learn the truth!!

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Categories: Legalize Ganjah, Prez Obama | Tags: , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

President Obama Must Learn to Feel and Sing the Blues

Pundits have suspected that President Obama has a hard time relating to ordinary people.  He seems to be distant and aloof, hoping to remain “above the fray.”  Unfortunately, he is also looking like a wimp who is afraid to fight for what progressives and liberals believe to be proper public policy.  His cultural and educational background taught him to compromise and be conciliatory.  However, this is not how the civil rights movement was able to make progress during the 1960’s.   This is a losing strategy for dealing with the angry and aggressive tea-baggers who are holding our country hostage.  As Bill Maher has stated we need a gansta (i.e., tough-black) president now more than ever!!

Members of the Congressional Black Caucus are offended and concerned that America’s “first black president” would forget his roots in the African-American community.  Problem is that Barack Obama has few if any connections to the legacy of slavery that has hung over the African-American community for centuries.   One way to think about this is that Barack Obama never had to really feel or sing the blues (this purely American music is intimately tied to African-American heritage and community.)   This article provides details on the history of the blues and its relationship to black culture.  You will also learn how to write your own blues song – using my free instrumental tracks for you to sing with.   I also review the wonderful book, DVD, and CD produced by Bill Wyman (former bassist for the Rolling Stones) called Blues Odyssey.  Pass this on so we all can start singing and enjoying the blues.


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Categories: Musician Tributes, Prez Obama | Tags: , , , , | 1 Comment

Global Leaders Urge United States to End the War on Drugs

The evidence has just gotten a lot stronger that the Obama administration is continuing to lead a war against individual marijuana users that is no longer supported by the world community.   Now is the time to end the 80 year war against a plant that has been used for over 5,000 years.  The US is the only country in the world that wants this wasteful war on weed to continue.  This is particularly hypocritical since the US is also the biggest market for consuming illegal drugs. As I wrote earlier, the Obama administration has even been worse than the Bush administration in terms of interfering with states’ rights and punishing sick people.

Since the reign of Harry Anslinger between 1937 – 1962, America has been intimidating other countries to go along with the US moral crusade against getting high.  It is useful to consider how much better our world would be if the US government would declare the end of the war on marijuana   State and local governments would save a lot of money that could then be spent on schools and infrastructure – rather than prisons and cops.  The federal government could apply the savings to balancing the budget or funding important programs.

Think of all the small business opportunities that are growing around marijuana.  These include food, tinctures and other value-added cannabis products. Marijuana also has been proven to build up local and state economies, particularly by promoting tourism and innovation (consider Oakland, CA and Amsterdam.) Most important is the fact that law enforcement will finally be forced stop intimidating and prosecuting millions of basically good citizens – particularly the young, poor and minority.

CLICK to read more about this important report and why we need to put pressure on the US government – particularly former pot-smoker Barack Obama.
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Categories: Legalize Ganjah | Tags: , , , , , , | 7 Comments

Medical Marijuana: President Obama Must Lead or Get Out of the Way!!

Progressives are disappointed with a number of the policies and practices of the Obama administration.  However, I and many others are most concerned about the fact that President Obama is backing off his earlier promises to end the unfair, wasteful, and ineffective war against medical marijuana patients.  Given our severe budget crisis it is unethical and unwise to keep wasting scarce federal, state and local resources waging war against American citizens.  We already imprison more of our own people than any other country – with the vast majority being non-violent “drug offenders.”  Opinion polls show that most Americans oppose the war on medical marijuana.

President Obama has just called upon the political establishment in Arab countries to “Lead or get out of the way.”   He needs to take his own advice with regards to Medical Marijuana which is legal in a growing number of states (at least until his administration got in the way!!)  In this article I have collected the latest news about the growing protest against the Obama administration’s medical marijuana policies and practices.  President Obama needs to recognize that this is a large and popular social movement that includes all demographic groups.   Medical marijuana advocates and activists have spent over three decades to make the progress we have so far in a third of our states.  As a true progressive and community organizer, Barack Obama needs to either get in step with our movement – or get out of the way.  In fact, true conservatives and libertarians (like Ron Paul) have opposed the drug war for decades.  Click Below for more about the Obama administration’s failures, fumbles, and fallacies in the losing war on weed!!
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Time for Progressive Pot Party to Counter Tea Party

One year into the Obama administration and many progressive voters are having “buyer’s remorse.” We are not getting the change we believed in and voted for.    We need to do more to increase awareness and support for a truly progressive agenda.  One great place to start is by ending the unethical and ineffective war against marijuana.

Where is the progressive outrage and protest needed to counteract the growing tea party movement?  Now is the time to stand up and be heard about the real problems we face that go beyond economics and health care.  This is a call for concerned citizens to create and foster a Progressive Pot PartyLearn how to do it and share your ideas by leaving comments.

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Categories: Legalize Ganjah | Tags: , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Please President Obama: Stop War on Marijuana

One of the first things FDR did when he became president in 1932 was to end the failed prohibition of alcohol. This single act freed up resources for needed public works programs and added lots of new tax revenue.  That  also dramatically improved public mood as promised by his 1932 campaign song “Happy Days are Here Again.”  Another benefit was the dramatic drop in crime  and fewer prisoners.   We will see these and other major benefits once the wasteful weed war ends.

President Obama has the same chance to restore a sense of freedom and happiness in our country.  One easy thing to do is end the unethical and ineffective war on medical marijuana.  This will also improve how the rest of the world views the United States.  Read all about what we all can do to persuade and pressure our new president to “Do the Right Thing” for millions of medical patients and recreational users across the country and around the world.  The US is the only country standing in the way of global ganjah legalization.

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Categories: Legalize Ganjah, Prez Obama | Tags: , , , , , , | 15 Comments

Why Barack is Best – Read His Own Words

Over the past year I have watched and recorded all of Barack Obama’s televised speeches and debates.  I am also reading his awesome book “The Audacity of Hope.”  Now I have collected some of his key quotes for your reading pleasure.  Truly he is the smartest and most eloquent person to run for president in my lifetime.  The quotes are organized into four main topical areas:  American Dream and Values; Change We Can Believe In; Politics and Policies; and Solutions Through Social Service.

Hope you find these gems to be informative, inspirational and influential.  He clearly understands what our country needs for the future.   Enjoy all the “bumper stickers” that I found on the Internet.  Truly there are as many positive reasons to vote for Obama-Biden as there are negative reasons to vote against McCain-Palin. Now that the Obama campaign is fighting back I will shift more of my writing to the positive changes we can expect under an Obama administration.  Truly his election represents the best and last HOPE we have to save our country and the planet.

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Categories: Prez Obama | Tags: , , , , , | 1 Comment

Bobby Kennedy Would Back Barack Obama

The nation recently noted the 40th anniversary of the assassination of Senator Robert Kennedy as he was ramping up his run for the democratic primary as presidential hopeful. We have been hearing how Barack Obama has many of the same messages and mannerisms of the Bobby Kennedy. In this article I will highlight some of the key ways in which Bobby Kennedy is reincarnated in the first term senator from Illinois. I will include many quotes and pix from Bobby.  I trust you will see many similarities between Bobby and Barack. Continue reading

Categories: Activism - Occupy, Prez Obama, Visionaries | Tags: , , , | 1 Comment

Concerned Citizens Challenge Clinton Craziness!!

Bill and Hillary Clinton are desperate to hang on to their dreams of a second Dynasty. However, there is no way she can win by following the rules (accepting the will of the people.) So the Clinton machine is trying to destroy Barack Obama – even if it means giving the White House back to Republicans. I think it is high time Obama supporters start pushing her out the back door. Learn how and why we need to Chant Down the Clinton Babylon!! Continue reading

Categories: Prez Obama | Tags: , , , , , | 1 Comment

Dr. King’s Legacy Requires Activism Not Pacifism

Today, April 4, 2008 is the 40th Anniversary of the death of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. It’s a day to reflect on King’s largely unfinished work for justice and equality. I want to speculate about what King would say and do about today’s issues had he not been assassinated in 1968. King would still be fighting against racism, poverty and war. In particular, he would be leading the criticism of the United States – not just for our involvement in Iraq but for the whole way in which corporations have taken over the global economy. Continue reading

Categories: Activism - Occupy, Visionaries | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

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